Getting capital to underserved entrepreneurs is a real issue, but the SBA and Congress don’t seem to have any idea how to deal with it.
From Our Sponsor: Kevin Walter says Tasty Catering didn't have its most profitable years until he and his brothers stepped back from the business.
Like a lot of entrepreneurs, I find there are rarely enough hours in the day, but EO helped make me a more complete person. And I want to make time to help others have the same experience.
Broadening access to capital is a worthy goal. But it seems as if the current SBA administration is ignoring what can go wrong if you inject capital into businesses that aren't ready for it.
If you are one of your bank's biggest loans, you are too big for your bank. But you also want to be at a bank where your account matters.
With our business working, it’s tempting to double-down on what we already do well. But do we want to be a one-trick pony?
Can you Imagine what it will be like if consolidation takes the banking industry the way of the airline industry?
From Our Sponsor: Logan Aguirre isn't sure her business would have made it through the pandemic if she hadn't changed the way she runs the company.
But it might bridge the divide between Main Street and Silicon Valley.
It is possible to get an SBA loan for a projection-based startup. But you need a sound business plan, and you have to be prepared to kiss a lot of frogs and for the process to take as long as nine months.