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Nick Fraher, Professor Egghead Science Academy
The Spotlight: Professor Egghead Science Academy

We recently asked Morning Report subscribers to introduce themselves by sending in a photo and answering a few questions.

Marketing Minute: Where Should I Spend First? On My Site? Or on My Ads?

From our sponsor: It depends. Let’s assume  you have a limited budget, which is almost always the case, and need to make a choice to begin driving new opportunities. Let’s also assume that your website could use some work, which again is often the case. Your best route is likely determined by whether you are in the business-to-consumer space or the business-to-business space.

Marketing Minute: Generate More Leads By Thinking Like a Customer

From our sponsor: Too often we look at our products through our own eyes. We should be looking through the eyes of the customer. If you were buying from you, what information would you need?

Marketing Minute: Shockingly, Google's Latest Update Might Be a Good Thing

From our sponsor: Google's latest page experience update isn't designed just to benefit Google. It's actually good for users.

It’s Been 10 Years Since I Was Laid Off

My last corporate job was at American Express, where I worked almost exclusively on products and services for small businesses. It was there that I developed a serious case of entrepreneur envy.

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Private Equity Has Never Been More Alluring

The investors come bearing money and with promises of relevant expertise and a glide path to that elusive next level. Should entrepreneurs believe them?

The Temptation of Growth

It’s easy to get excited thinking about geographic expansion. But for Citibin, at least for now, there’s no place like home.

'I Have Been Literally Hiding From My Numbers'

Like a lot of business owners, Laura is very good at a lot of things — but intimidated by her financials. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Maybe I’m Not Ready to Sell to Costco

My COO would say that I have a bad history when it comes to purchasing inventory. And he would be right. In one of the reports he created upon joining the business last year, he showed 26 “months of supply” for a particular product for which I had had high hopes. I called it “planning for success.” My COO called it “overstock.”

Should I Stay DTC? Or Should I Try to Go Costco?

As I look to scale, I’ve become curious again about selling in Costco. But it does raise some questions: Should I knock off my own product with a lower-priced version? What exactly would I have to do to get into Costco? And how would this help or hurt my brand? 

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