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Marketing Minute: Are You Targeting the Actual Decision Maker?

From Our Sponsor: Account-based marketing is about getting the attention of a specific person. Think about it as moving from a fishing net, where you catch whatever comes in, to a fishing pole with very specific bait, targeting only certain fish.

Marketing Minute: I’ve Got $10,000 a Month to Spend on B2B Marketing. What Should I Do?

From Our Sponsor: The trick with $10,000 per month is that you know it probably won’t allow you to do everything you want to do—and certainly not everything you could do.

The Spotlight: Chillibreeze

We recently asked Morning Report subscribers to introduce themselves by sending in a photo and answering a few questions.

The Pitfalls of Manufacturing in China

Back then, the choice in front of me was: “Should I stay with my fabricator in Connecticut who isn’t meeting my evolving needs and costs a lot more? Or should I move forward with the contract manufacturer in China who is eager for my business and costs a lot less?”

The Spotlight: Event Source/Panache Events

We recently asked Morning Report subscribers to introduce themselves by sending in a photo and answering a few questions.

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Marketing Minute: Does It Pay to Buy Leads?

From our sponsor: Chances are, if you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve at least thought about buying leads that you can contact directly. In fact, many of you have probably done it. I spent a good part of my early business years buying leads and data.

The Spotlight: Professor Egghead Science Academy

We recently asked Morning Report subscribers to introduce themselves by sending in a photo and answering a few questions.

Marketing Minute: Where Should I Spend First? On My Site? Or on My Ads?

From our sponsor: It depends. Let’s assume  you have a limited budget, which is almost always the case, and need to make a choice to begin driving new opportunities. Let’s also assume that your website could use some work, which again is often the case. Your best route is likely determined by whether you are in the business-to-consumer space or the business-to-business space.

Marketing Minute: Generate More Leads By Thinking Like a Customer

From our sponsor: Too often we look at our products through our own eyes. We should be looking through the eyes of the customer. If you were buying from you, what information would you need?

Marketing Minute: Shockingly, Google's Latest Update Might Be a Good Thing

From our sponsor: Google's latest page experience update isn't designed just to benefit Google. It's actually good for users.

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